The Blessings of Choice
responsibility for one's own life and consequences of one's own actions
without blaming or judging others or oneself is probably the most
difficult of paths to walk in the human experience.
I am not holier
than thou, or better than anyone else. I have simply chosen to take
responsibility for the events that occurred in my life from my choices.
Many choices were made in youth that had a rippling effect over my
entire life. Some choices and effects of my 'filter system of
perception' are actually handed down in the DNA & aren't mine at
all, yet I house them and before having awareness of this phenomenon,
thought it was "all me" - I still take responsibility for
perceptions/actions/choices that are from the cellular level, aka
"inherited" as this is another form of expansion of what is bigger than
each of us individually, and is rather for the expansion of the
collective of humanity, of which we are all part and all one within.
Hence, those that choose to live lives blaming everyone, everything for
their dis-ease of free will misuse, I do not judge, but am here to tell
you - maybe you should try something different, for after all, how's
that working out for you? How's that working out for your children? Is
your life filled with joy and are you teaching the higher road
available to all humans through your example, or are you beating the
ever tiresome drum of "how not to be" by your example and leaving a path
of emotional destruction to yourself and others?
With so much
information available, so many modalities of healing, so many avenues of
wisdom at our fingertips, all it takes is a choice to refine your
My father called me a "tramp" when I was still a virgin.
My mother hated all her children when they reached puberty, before that
she was a doting, attentive and incredibly loving mother.
Both my
children's fathers abandoned their children, one because he chose his
addiction over family, the other because he and his family chose ego and
blame over responsibility. This turned out to be a blessing, for to
have had either of them in my life would have added conflict.
got to make the choice to raise my daughters with the power of prayer,
the knowledge of being part of a Divine creation that was bigger than an
individual, organic foods, self-empowerment and being true to oneself.
To not judge and to look for the cloud's silver lining, even if it DID
mean comparing ourselves to people in war torn countries, for there were
some mornings I had to count the blessing to my children that "at least
no one is shooting at us" - so take heed, dear ones.....LIFE IS SHORT.
What are you teaching by the way that you are being? Are you being the
reflection of the Divine force that is the creator of all there is? If
not, it's not too late to start. Yogananda said, "as long as there is
breath in the body, there is hope for enlightenment" - or something like
that. One does not have to "attain enlightenment" in the yogic sense
to be a good example to their children.
Are you teaching harmony and
the power within or are you teaching what life is like when you choose
discord, disharmony, dis-ease, dis-loyalty and dis-regard for other life
Blessings on your trajectory, and prayers for your choice to experience the higher road.